Lunes, Hulyo 14, 2014

Blogpost 8: Where We Were Created, The Earth.

Our universe were created by the big bang, by the big planet then spread everything into other places. When we were curious about the creation of our universe, can't you also think or ask in your mind the creation of your homeland? How it were formed? It may be a little part of the whole creation, but this creation of the Earth is more important, because it's the one who sheltered us, and gave us the life we're now living.

There's an article I've read entitled, How Earth Was Formed? written by Nola Taylor Redd from It tells there the story of our Earth being formed, from being a hot rocky ball to the coldness, then the warmness we feel today. They said that there were impacts on rocks to asteroids and comets to the planets back then. Luckily, our Earth experienced one of the impacts of the rocks because without it, we obviously wouldn't be born nor the Earth. Scientists said that, that happened 4.6 billion years ago in our solar system. Meaning our Earth is now 4.6 billion years of age. Particularly, our earth suffered from the impact by large body that catapulted pieces. It made the earth's shape from that impact. They said that collisions and frictions gave the mountains' birth to the world, then eventually started to create atmosphere.

"As scientists continue to study planets inside of the solar system, as well as around other stars, they will be better understanding how Earth and its siblings formed." -Nola Taylor Redd, the author.

You can tell that our earths creation is really an accident. Or, you could say, a lucky event. Because without it, the whole universe would be boring. You know, no humans. Well, what do we know? Maybe there are other lives out there.

Moving from its creation, to the components and facts about our great mother earth. An article I've read entitled, Earth: Orbit, Composition, Atmosphere & Other Facts written by Charles Q. Choi from They first stated there that the earth is the third planet from the sun. Second, it is the only planet that is known to have atmosphere that has oxygen for human life. Third, it has oceans of liquid water also for life. Fourth, it is the 5th largest planet in the solar system. Lastly, Earth has a diameter of 8,000 or 13,000 and its shape isn't circle, but an "oblate spheroid."

They said that the Earths' surface is mostly covered by water, we all know that of course. 71% to be specific. They also said that a fifth of Earths atmosphere are produces by plants. They said that there are 4 eons in Earth. The Hadean, Archean, Proterozic and Phanerozic. They specify that the Archean eon started the human lives on Earth.

Now for the atmosphere they said that 78% are nitrogen and 21% are oxygen. They said that the upper atmosphere actually expands during the day and contracts at night because of the heat and cold temperature.

"Earth is the only planet in the universe known to possess life. There are several million known species of life, ranging from the bottom of the deepest ocean to a few miles into the atmosphere, and scientists think far more remain to be discovered." -Charles Q. Choi, the author.

Again, just like that quotation, we may know our place or structures or its origin, but we still don't know all the beings who possess life. Maybe in other worlds? Or maybe there are beings that aren't really discovered here actually on Earth? But I still believe that soon we will know.

But then, I am happy, that through all this complicated things outside our world we can't explain, there is still beauty in simple and little things around us, where we live in, where we laugh, love, and mostly, feel. So let us live life to the fullest and always remember that we have a beautiful world called Earth.

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