There is an article I've read entitled, What is a Nebula? written by John Carl Villanueva from They said here that a nebula is made up of dust, hydrogen, helium, gas, and plasma. It could be dark or bright. Imagine it like a cloud in outer space, but it's very massive. It is also stated there that a nebula could be a part of a stellar or planetary formation or maybe a result of it. Particularly, some formation of stars or planets in our universe. They also said that it could be death of a star, which has failed to become a black hole, more likely a positive result of it's death because a black hole is basically dangerous while a nebula is just a stable object. But there is also pressure in the middle of a nebula, there are also gravitational forces that make the cloud on form only on its direction and that's why it won't scatter out somewhere in outer space. That's the reason why a nebula is cloudy but not explosive because it's a cloud, you could imagine it would spread out. It's not really dangerous because it's stable and it only like they said, it only has its gravitational forces in the middle so it won't really catch you up. Just like the author John Carl Villanueva, a technical writter, stated:
"For those who are not aware of this yet, outer space is not really totally a vacuum."

But through the beautiful attractions of the nebulae in space, there are still mysteries about them, like the article I've read entitled, Mystery flares betray hidden force within Crab Nebula written by Rachel Courtland from It says there that a nebula called the "Crab Nebula" has been releasing bright flares of gamma rays in a record breaking speeds. "The highest particle energies ever associated with a single force," says Elisa Bernardidni of the DESY research center in Germany. The observers were surprised by the flares extracted from the nebula because it calibrates astronomical instruments and streams wavelengths. So are we in danger? The scientists don't think of this as much, because it doesn't really threaten Earth from it's extraction of cosmic rays. That is why Crab Nebula is the most powerful cosmic accelerator because it gives us the most energy and cosmic rays through Earth said by the scientists. But they also said that through this events they can know the origin of the cosmic rays. Like Rene Ong of the University of California, Los Angeles said:
"This is a fascinating discovery, we understand this source as well as anything in the sky. It's a new wrinkle and a new mystery."
I think that events like these were really meant to happen, to let us know where they really came from and what do they really possess.

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