Lunes, Agosto 4, 2014

Research Paper


A Research Paper Presented to
The English Resource Center
School Of Multimedia Arts
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati City

In Partial Fullfilment
of the Requirements for the Course
ERESWRT-Research Writing

Jules Dane R. Buenaventura

August 2014

Chapter 1

A. Background of the study

There are trillions of objects in space. Space objects can never be counted, as if it is infinite. People may think that the stars are the most populated things on space but there is more to that. Every single particles, every single concrete or abstract or shallow things on space is not singular. They all have their own population and it can never be alone.

With these, space can be dangerous. As if it is a whole wide of obstacles. Therefore, man cannot survive in this nature. It's not possible for them to discover everything.

The article entitled, "Seven Trillion Dwarfs and Billions of Undetected Galaxies" written by Jaime Trosper. The articles states that there are at least a trillion of stars and billions of every different kind of galaxies in our universe. The study states that our universe can really never be counted.

"Astronomers always knew they were missing some fraction of the galaxies.. but for the first time we now have a measurement. The number of missed galaxies is substantial." said Matthew Hayes from the University of Genova's observatory. (

Launching of space programs is not safe for astronauts. Naturally, astronauts wanted to go to space, but even though it's their life long dream, they also need to consider sacrifice. There is no guarantee that they could go back here in Earth safely. Others were even recorded dead because of launching, while others because of landing.

The article entitled, "Weighing the risk of human space life" by Rick Hauck said that having spaceflight is risky for an astronaut. Nevertheless it's also one of their perspective.

Hauck said, "There are fewer people better qualified to judge the risks of human spaceflight than me." "Would I have flown if I had known there was a four percent chance of death?" "No I don't think I would have flown."  (

Moreover, astronauts wanted to go to space with all the risk of dying. They already have the mindset of death through every spaceflight they would go in to.

Danger in space is inevitable.There are many dangers in space that man need to be cautious about. Like for example are the asteroids that keep on wandering on the galaxy. Black holes that move in the speed of light which can destroy you in seconds. The too much radiation in staying in space which can harm your body parts. These are just the litany of dangers that we can experience in space.

The article entitled, "How dangerous is space debris?" by Stuart Clark said that every year dangers in space are expanding. They keep getting closer and closer throughout our exploration in space.

Clark said, "How dangerous is space? Extremely is the answer. Being hit by a sugar-cube  of space  debris is the equivalent of standing next to an exploding hand-grenade.And the problem is getting worse." (

Among these dangers that occur were the Space Shutter Challenger disaster, The Vanguard TV3, Apollo 6, GOES-G. and Cosmos 1. These are just some of disasters of space launches. However, they still continue to do all these things for scientists research.

Space exploration is dangerous but still, we need to explore it.Therefore, having background knowledge about some of it's dangers will help readers to be more aware of what is happening when space exploration is being occurred.

The purpose of this paper is to explain why space is still needed to be explored even though it's dangerous.

B. Statement of the Problem

        This study aims to answer this question:

1.) Why is man still needs to explore space even though it's dangerous?

C. Significance of the Study

1. Future Researchers - This study is essential for other future researchers who wants to tackle this subject. They might as well get this as a source of their research and knowledge. This can also serves for them as a detailed explanation to the

2. People in Observatories - They can at least know the things that they were seeing and why is it being seen or observed. They might as well be aware of the happenings in space whilst ignorant of the picture they're seeing.

3. Students - This research will help students who are curious about space and also the ones that are having research through their study. This may also help them in finishing their assignments relative to this topic.

4.Teachers - This research can help teachers by adding this up to their knowledge. Space is a very interesting study and therefore teachers can rely on to this to add up to their study habit.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on why space is needed to be explored even though it's dangerous.  This research also serves as a guide to why is it important to explore space.

Due to shortage of time, this study will no longer talk about the whole environment of the universe but will only talk about the dangers and its essence of exploration.

E. Materials and Methods

The sources that are used in this research are articles that are relevant to space issues. It will let people be aware of the things that are happening in space.

The relevant sources that were used were gathered online and are now being used in this research for reference.

F. Definition of Terms

1.  Essence - The necessity of such.

2.  Exploration - The act of searching for the purpose of discovery of information or resources. It also means to travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.

3 . Space - The heavenly world outside our Earth.

4.  Theory - A type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the result of such thinking.

Chapter 2
Why is man still needs to explore space even though it's dangerous?

I. Space Exploration's Disasters

Definition of the Space (Universe)

Space is more likely the heavens of earth. Particularly, we are just a part of it. It includes everything that exists, therein planets, stars, galaxies, and all matter and energy. It is also called as the cosmos, the world, reality, and also a part of nature. 

Dangers of space

There were many recorded accidents that happened throughout man's space exploration since the 19th century. Man intends to know space more, but through they're consciousness and curiousness of what really space have to show, it results on astronaut's deaths.

In the article "The Dangers of Space Travel" written by Kerry Scullion there are dangers of space that are really bad for man to attain:

A. Space Junk/Debris

Literal space objects can destroy you. They were over 2,000 recorded satellites that were released to space since the release of the sputnik in 1957, and some of them never came back. These space objects might be floating, but scientists said that it's floating at roughly 4 miles per second. Hitting just one of these pieces might cause a great disfunction to a space shuttle and could cause a man's death.

Not only space junks but also natural space debris like meteoroids and micrometeoroids. Meteoroids are solid rock and metal floating through space which are the particles of the solar system that were left over. Micrometeoroids are most like weigh less than a gram, they could gang up and cause a cosmic dust cloud, which can be lethal. These solid particles that came from space have often recorded disasters in space exploration. Like the NASA'S Mariner 10 satellite which ran into one of the cosmic clouds and resulted to its malfunctioning then eventually changed its trajectory. Having an astronaut in that space shuttle can be really risky.

B. Space Radiation/Cosmic Rays

Radiation can never be healthy for man. They are subatomic particles that can come from anywhere around space. It can come from the sun or any further to the milky way galaxy and beyond. It rips human's DNA molecules causing diseases and cancer. This has been a problem for man to travel to the so called "Red Planet" or the MARS. Having satellites on Mars is possible, but having man step on its ground would be impossible. High levels of radiation has been confirmed by space flights. It would nearly be a sacrifice to let man go to mars without having chances of getting cancer. Here on Earth, we only get 3 millisievert of radiation per year while a travel through Mars would give an astronaut 662 millisievert or radiation which is obviously risky for an astronaut to risk because they an astronaut has 1000 millisievert cap in their career. Not only that, but the attempt to go back from Mars would be nearly impossible.

C.  Launch and Re-entry

One of the most dangerous part of going through space is launching from Earth. Just a little Earth orbit needs to fuel a lot of reaction or mass and energy. A spacecraft needs at least 7 miles per second or 25,000 miles per hour. Friction of air on the rocket would cause a rocket to burn up in seconds just like meteorite.
That is the reason why spacecrafts are needed to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere downward by circling slowly. The heat can obviously affect the spacecraft's system and may cause to malfunction. They were proofs of accidents like the Challenger disaster of 1986 when a Space Shuttle blew apart when it reached it's 73 second mark of launch. It caused the seven members death without having the chance of reaching space.

D. Moon Dust

This really isn't the most scariest or dangerous thing that astronauts are needed to be cautious, but it can be hazardous than you may think. Moon dust obviously came from the Moon, which has no water so it's dust is most made of flour which can touch or find its way to crease and seam a spaceman's suit. Imagine inhaling a whole lot of these, like thousands or millions of moon dusts. It can massively damage your lungs, it may clog you up and eventually might result to death of a person. An incident like this occurred in 1972 on Apollo 17's crew. Jack Schmitt & Eugene Cernan didn't brush their boots after before entering the space capsule resulting to their delay of going home. Eventually, Schmitt complained about congestion. It wasn't too long until it subsided but they said they've learned their lesson.

"It is probably every rookie astronaut's nightmare, and probably even a veteran astronaut's nightmare... Scratch that it's probably every single astronaut's biggest fear that their spacecraft is destroyed whilst out on a space walk and they are stranded in space completely alone with no way of contacting Earth!" said Kerry Scullion. (

II. Essence of Space Exploration

Space exploration may be bad for person, but this also helps shape the questions that were asked by mankind's thought. Moreover, through this we might know the answers and enlighten our minds of what pure science may bring us.

According to the article "Top 5 Reasons why Space Exploration is Important for the World" by Daniel Hohler said that:

"Space exploration is important not only to humanity's curiosity of the great beyond, but it is also important for the future of the Earth and all of us living on it." (

A. Transfer of Science Education

Having space explorations can also inspire children who are interested in space. This can give a generation of scientists, engineers, & astronauts. The United States of America is currently lacking of science education for children. They want to at least add up lessons from outside Earth. Adding more space explorers can obviously reach more answers of space.

It helps people to be not ignorant of what their world is. It's needed for us people to know at least a couple of things that are studied or observed outside our world. Moreover, having these knowledge can widen people's thought of the Universe.

B. Environmental Research

People would think that scientists are wasting too much fuel for the exploration of space, but this is also an investment or a part of a benefit that could be gotten. Most people don't know that NASA is doing a lot of environmental research of space. Earth's resources are nearly dying so people need to at least observe or study our resources like our air quality, climate change, alternative energy, & near Earth objects, which we have known that can easily break when disaster comes. Like for example, our land and trees. It's best for us to know what are the preventions or the needs to do for our environment, which can mostly only be known by observing outside Earth.

C. Putting Perspective

Our Earth is really small from space, it's fragile, little, destructable. It would be good thing to put our world in the Universe's perspective. People need to know the what is the Earth to our Universe, they would much likely think more practical of what are the effects, dangers, and objects. Also, if we are aware of how our world is small and fragile floating in space, we could also be at least aware of what are the caress that is needed for Earth. Moreover, we will be prone in to abusing Earth too much just like what is happening in this current generation.

D. Eliminate Earth Population

Space exploration is also a preparation of space colonization. Currently, Earth is reaching its population growth too much. It is more likely to think that Earth can someday lead to its destruction because of mankind's population. People are needed to be put somewhere after a hundred years or more, or we could just live to the Earth's inflating disaster.

E. Natural Resources

This is more likely related to over population. The fact that there are too many people on Earth also adds the fact that we are using too much resources that is only limited. Out there in space there is very much likely unlimited resources for us humans. We are collecting relevant resources outside our world for our future use.

"Here's to the men and women who gave their lives to explore the great unknown. We cannot ignore the importance of space exploration, nor be complacent in it's meaning to all of us. I hope space exploration can continue to inspire, educate, and provide for us in the next 40 years as it has the last 40 years." said Daniel Hohler. (

III. Inferences

These space explorations are really important for us humans because we also live in this environment. Also, it is our right and it will never be erased in our curiousness to explore space. We don't just live to live, but also live to discover. But there should always things or concerns that we need to consider. Not just thinking of what's ahead, but also thinking of what could happen if these things were done.

A. Patience

People should not always rush through situations and remain patient of things around us. Of course we cannot change the fact that space exploration is irresistable but aggression of too much curiosity can obviously lead into disasters. Just like what have happened in the past years of exploring in space.

B. Caution

Astronauts shouldn't just be aggressive of going through space. They should at least know their limits and be cautious of every part of exploration. It's for their own sake anyway, there is no guarantee that they would be safe out there where there are radiations and literal objects that could hit them. Precautions are really should be practiced.

C. Future

Astronomers need to think of what might happen through their exploration, they should think in consideration of what's gonna happen in the future. Because a little mistake in space may cause massive things that can affect our world.

All throughout this study, people should at least consider these things so in the future exploration in space would be less likely destructive or be more successful for us humans to be more aware and to have the needed knowledge of space.

Chapter 3


This paper attempted to answer why does man needs to explore space even though it's dangerous.

The research design used in this study is the descriptive research method wherein data from the internet articles were used to answer the research questions that were posted. The research findings are the following:

1. Man still intends to explore space even though it's dangerous

2. They were many recorded accidents in space, some of them were even before launching to space have already died.

3. Having dangers in space can not be avoided. It is also impossible for man to wholly discover the universe's nature.


Based on the findings of the study. The following conclusions are drawn:

1. Man intends to explore space because it is also a part of our nature. But through this, we still don't have the right technology that we can use so that we can explore space conveniently.

2. No matter how dangerous space can be, man still risk their lives just for their concerns and curiosity to be granted. Man wouldn't let the chance of exploring the space be spoiled.

3. Space is and will always be dangerous no matter what technology we use and no matter how many time will passed. It is also a fact that we will never wholly explore the nature of the Universe.


After drawing the conclusions of the study, the researchers hereby make the following suggestions/recommendations:

1. Students and teachers should know what are the origin and the purpose of what they are learning and teaching relative to the study of the Universe.

2. People in observatories should know or at least be aware of what they are observing outside the space, such as the dangers and also the essence of exploring space.

3. Future researchers should use this as part of their reference of their studies about space and should remain focused in order to understand it better.


A. Electronic Media

Clark, Stuart (2012) How dangerous is space debris? Retrieved August 8, 2014

Foust, Jeff (2003) Weighing the Risk of Human. Retrieved August 8, 2014 Spaceflight

Hayes, Matthew (2013) Seven Trillion Dwarfs and Billions of Undetected. Retrieved August 8, 2014 Galaxies

Hohler, Daniel (2009) Top 5 Reasons why Space is Dangerous. Retrieved August 8, 2014

Sculion, Kerry (2013) The Dangers of Space. Retrieved August 8, 2014

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