Sabado, Hunyo 21, 2014

Blogpost 2: The Birth of Quasars

After the great creation, all pieces of the universe were just amateur materials. I could say they were just babies floating to the cosmos, like us back then, seeing and wondering what's around us. Wandering like children. Ignorant. Knowing what to do. And also, making friends.

The pieces of the universe back then were like that. Stars, Galaxies, Planets were just being created. Following their orbits, or maybe fixing themselves.

Scientists discovered a massive and powerful object in 1963. It is said that these things are the earliest things ever formed in the universe after the big bang. These things are called the "Quasi-stellar radio sources", or "Quasars."

An article I've read entitled, Galaxy Collisions Give Birth to Quasars by Phil Berardelli from said that Quasars are the most brightest and most powerful objects in the universe. They emit energies of millions, billions or even trillions of electron volts. It is stated here that Quasars are made up of super massive black holes which can burn for 100 million years. They also said that the "Galaxy Collisions" or when two galaxies collide gave the birth of Quasars. It's because galaxies have their own black holes in the center, but not yet dangerous until they could collide with another. Astronomers discovered these by using telescopes, which can see x-ray and infrared light. They've somehow seen a very unusual light that's directing to Earth, they knew that wasn't a star, then eventually knew that those very bright and massive things around the universe were a formation of two galaxies and has a very powerful radio signal with a massive light. They also reflected these things as like "firecrackers" in our sky, because of its very bright light formation. Quasars that were 11 billion light-years far away from our planet, when our universe were just 2.7 billion years old, are also visible when seen from a telescope. They said that its light from an 11 billion years is still present from Earth's vision. Eventually they've found out that it really is a result of a galaxy collision, where their central black hole merges. They have given the logic to this theory by thinking of what would be the result if the cores of the galaxies merges? Then they thought of it like maybe it can create a black hole. An astronomer named Priyamvada Natarajan thought of that idea, he said, "Suddenly it all made sense" because from the looks of it, you can really tell that a disaster would happen if two cores collided, like for example forming a black hole. They thought that the other core could suck all of the others energy then create a bigger one to form a Quasar.

I can say that these massive creations are very divine, yet dangerous. Like they said, it can destroy or suck up a whole galaxy near it. It can really be a threat to us if something like this would form near our Milky Way galaxy. Well, I hope not.

An article I've read entitled, The Birth of Quasars: Violent Cosmic Accidents Offer a Clue written by James Gleick from said that the Quasars began forming when the universe was just one-fifth of its present age. It also has a very strong radio signal that can even reach Earth. It is also written there that if a galaxy collided with another to form a quasar, orbits of stars or even planets would be disrupted. Meaning that if a quasar were to be formed, you could say that that galaxy isn't healthy or arranged, imagine its center becoming a whirlpool and draining all its water, or you could say, destroyed because of the super massive power of its black hole. But the crashing doesn't necessarily mean the crashing of everything, of every single planet and stars. Like Dr. Richard F. Green of Peak Observatory, said, "It's probably very rare for individual stars to collide, but clouds can." It's because gas clouds can be easier to pull than stars, obviously they're just clouds, they don't have much mass than stars. It says here that forming a Quasar can result to so much rearrangement , it can lead to bursts of stars, or even stars changing into different galaxies and orbits if not crashed with another. Quasars can last up to millions of years, then eventually end when the gas near the core loses its power.

After years of studies and observations, scientists can theoretically say that galaxies must have Quasars or have experienced having Quasars before their present stage. Who knows? Maybe our Milky Way galaxy also experienced Quasars? Or maybe our galaxy is also a result of a Quasar? A super massive collision of galaxies. Well, you can put that to mind but I guess we'll never know until we will study our galactic center. Like what Dr. Peter Shaver, of the European Southern Observatory, said:

"There are so many different lines of evidence now that are pointing the same direction. I think all of this is going to evolve very fast now." 

These Quasars are most likely the ancient and divine creation of space. Because of its powerful force that can destroy every single material on the universe because of its massive black hole. But I think these things called Quasars are inter-related to our galactic birth. Maybe they have a role in our universe. Because I think without its ancient formation that happened, I would say that maybe things would be different in our present time.

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